Broadband Amplifier HSPR
The broadband amplifier HSPR is intended for conversion of the output modulated photo-current of the IR photodiode to voltage with its subsequent gain. The broadband amplifier has a bandwidth of 150-200 MHz, is completed with photodiodes of series PD24 (0.8-2.4 μm) and PD36 (1.5-3.8 μm).
Amplifier AM-07M converts the current output of a signal source such as for example Mid-Infrared photodiode, into a voltage output with amplification of the voltage for subsequent use with various electronic systems, like lock-inamplifiers, oscilloscopes or A/D converters. In the same package is included also Sinchrodetector that gives direct current proportional to the signal at selected frequency. Customer can see the signal on LC Display.
Amplifier AMT-07M converts the current output of a signal source such as for example Mid-Infrared photodiode, into a voltage output with amplification of the voltage for subsequent use with various electronic systems, like lock-inamplifiers, oscilloscopes or A/D converters. In the same package is included also Sinchrodetector that gives direct current proportional to the signal at selected frequency. Customer can see the signal on LC Display.
Amplifier AMT-07M is designed for operation with photodiodes with built-in termocooler and thermistor (Models PDXX-YY-TEC). Customer can select and set the temperature of PD operation. Circuit with feedback will set the necessary thermocooler current for maintaning the selected temperature.